Q: What is Satsang?

WS: Simply put, Satsang is a dialogue focused on the direct discovery of one’s own essential nature.

Q: Why have Satsang? Who gives a shit? I have real-world struggles and don't have time to chase fantasies of Enlightenment. 

WS: All supreme qualities are residues of one’s fundamental nature. Happiness ensues what one comes into direct contact with this essential nature. Divine inspiration, ecstatic dance, transpersonal art, soul music, ineffable beauty, charisma, radiance, etc. all spontaneously arise within the being who has realized and embodied the expression of their True Nature - your soul’s purpose for being! There is no greater endeavor in life than the devotion to and recognition of the Truth of our shared nature and the expression that naturally and spontaneously flows forth as a result.

Q: How does Satsang work?

WS: The quickest path to enlightenment is an intense and pointed use of self-inquiry and meditation. Pose the questions that most threaten your idea of who you have been conditioned to be through your life experience. The rest will unfold naturally for you. Satsang and self-inquiry are NOT means by which you gain knowledge. The power lies in the experience of looking truly into your own heart for the answer to the ultimate question: "Who Am I?" or “What is this ‘I-sense’?” As you pose these questions within yourself, you will begin to see through your self-prescribed/society-prescribed/culturally-prescribed identity, and your essential nature will gradually unveil itself. As it does, your sense of identity will become increasingly transparent inwardly, and blossom outwardly as your life’s experience and expression.

Q: I suck at meditating. How can I experience Enlightenment?

WS: If the concept of enlightenment has entered your Awareness in this life, then it is in THIS LIFE that the potential for awakening is attainable for you. Your daily struggles and suffering are a direct reflection of your ignorance of your True nature. Like all concepts, enlightenment is only a fantasy until you accept its inherent reality through Self-discovery. 

Q: What is Enlightenment? Is it real?

WS: YES, it is VERY real! Although Self-realization and the dissolution of the ego-self are felt internally as shifts in perspective, there are also physical and tangible effects which can be confirmed by anybody. You will know a sufficiently Enlightened person by the fruits of their being. The residues of Enlightenment manifest themselves in a multitude of ways, including but not limited to - divine inspiration, spontaneous healing, peaceful action, unattached love, causeless joy, unending compassion, etc. Enlightenment is the dissolution of the illusion of separation and the energetic dissipation of the contraction that is at the root of the belief in this thought-form assumed to be “me”.

Q: Is Chris Enlightened? 

WS: No. Nobody is. Enlightenment is the dissolution of the felt-sense of “me”. It is not a mere change in ideology, but rather the full energetic dissipation of this contracted “me” energy. When enlightenment is realized, there isn’t anyone remaining who could claim it. Undivided, boundless reality is all there is. I Am That.

Q: If you have any additional questions, click here: Contact Wild Satsang, or find the button at the bottom of each page on this website. We look forward to hearing from you.